Columbia Location   |   803-252-0108
Lexington Location   |   803-520-4615
Flex Chiropractic


How a Chiropractor Helps With Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, you’ve probably tried everything you can think of to find...

Flex Chiropractic, Your Chiropractor In Lexington, Just Moved!

The only constant in life is change. Sometimes it’s bad change, like when you get...

Five Tips For Boosting Your Immune System

Staying healthy is a topic that’s on everyone’s minds lately, and it’s no surprise. With...


  • Dr. Angela Larson, DC
  • Phone: 803-252-0108
  • Address: 1811 Bull St.
    Columbia, South Carolina 29201


  • Dr. Chad Bills, DC
  • Phone: 803-520-4615
  • Address: 305 Columbia Ave.
    Lexington, South Carolina 29072