Columbia Location   |   803-252-0108
Lexington Location   |   803-520-4615
Flex Chiropractic


Why Pregnant Women Can Benefit from Going to a Chiropractor

Pregnancy is a beautiful time for many women. After all, you’re growing a miracle right in your belly, and you can’t wait to meet them! However, as your belly grows bigger, you may experience aches and pains associated with your changing body. So what can you do about them that is safe for your baby?

Flex Chiropractic is a family chiropractic practice with offices in Lexington and Columbia. We offer a wide array of services, including chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, massage therapy, and ultrasound services. We believe in tailoring all of our treatments to the individual, and by offering many services, we can provide you with the most comprehensive care. Below, we’ll go over some of the benefits you can experience from a chiropractor while pregnant. Call our back pain specialist today!


Relief from Back Pain

Back pain is caused for a variety of reasons during pregnancy. One reason has to do with hormones. As your body gets closer to delivery, it releases a special hormone called relaxin. Relaxin does just that — relaxes your ligaments and joints in the pelvic area so that they can endure stress easier during childbirth. While this is great for delivery and birth, it can cause your back instability since everything is looser.

Furthermore, since your belly is growing, you may notice it’s harder to have great posture during pregnancy as your belly can pull on your spine. Chiropractic adjustments can help fix this problem and put your back into alignment once again, helping to alleviate pain during pregnancy. In addition, you may experience neck pain due to the fact your belly is a weight you are unused to carrying. We can treat both conditions here in our chiropractic clinic.

Helps in Baby Positioning

A common cause of C-sections is a breech baby. A breech baby is one whose head is not facing down in the birth canal. Instead, the baby’s feet are. While many babies are born healthy in this position, there is an elevated risk for birth defects. Thus, with chiropractic appointments during pregnancy from your local chiropractor, such as Flex Chiropractic in Lexington, your spine and pelvis will be in a better position for the baby to turn head first.

Easier Birth Experience

Birthing a baby is hard work, quite painful, and overall challenging. However, regular chiropractic appointments can help you feel your best and your body be in the best position in order to ensure your pelvis, spine, and hips are aligned. This also ensures optimal nervous system functionality as well, which is responsible for controlling your contractions and having your cervix dilated. It can also help to shorten the labor and delivery process — something all women desire.

Can Help with Nausea

Nausea during pregnancy (commonly called morning sickness) is mainly due to your body’s change in hormones, and it’s a condition that many women suffer from to some degree. However, by having your spine and nervous system operating at optimal performance, you can help your hormones settle, if you will, and not cause such a major disruption in your body. If your nausea is caused more by heartburn or constipation, rather than a shift in hormones, chiropractic appointments can help your stomach settle as well.


Flex Chiropractic has over 22 years of experience in helping women feel better during pregnancy. Our expert and family chiropractors are well-trained in chiropractic adjustments for pregnant women, so you can rest assured that you and your baby will be in good hands. In addition, we offer a variety of other services at both our Lexington and our Columbia offices that can help you with your pregnancy, such as massage therapy. Our family chiropractor believes in customizing our treatments to meet your needs, since not everyone will have the same response to different treatments.

When you partner with us for your pregnancy adjustments, you can expect to feel better both during and after your pregnancy. We also offer chiropractic treatments for newborns, infants, toddlers, and children to ensure they grow up strong and pain-free. Whether you need a back pain specialist or just relief from nausea, give our local chiropractors a call today!

Tips For a Healthy Back While Working From Home

This year has been an unusual one for most people. The worldwide pandemic has surely changed the way many people work, travel, and go to school. With a continued focus on social distancing, many businesses are allowing their employees to work from the safety of their own homes. While this is a good idea for helping to prevent the spread of the virus, working in a different environment that may not be set up for ergonomics is taking a toll on many people’s backs. 

In today’s blog from Flex Chiropractic, we want to help those of you who are working from home by giving you some tips to help prevent and manage back pain. Keep reading, and if you’re in need of a chiropractic adjustment, contact Flex Chiropractic in Columbia.

Tip #1: Avoid sitting for long periods

If you were lucky enough to have a standing desk at work, then you’re probably missing it now that you’re working from home. When you sit for extended periods at your desk, it constricts the blood flow in your legs and puts pressure on your spine. Experts even say that sitting for too long too often can be bad for your heart and brain. Long story short, feel better, and stay healthy by setting a reminder to get up every half hour or as often as possible.

Tip #2: Move around at least once an hour

It’s not enough to just stand up every so often, your body needs to move to really get the blood pumping. Although you might not be able to take a 10-minute break every hour, try to at least do some stretches at your desk or even do a few jumping jacks. If you have a conference call, consider using a wireless headset so you can walk during your meeting. And, when you can get away from your desk don’t just go to another room and sit down — walk up and down the stairs a few times, take a walk down to the mailbox, or take your dog for a stroll around the block.

Tip#3: Invest in a good chair

When you do sit down, having a good chair can make all the difference in how your back feels. Look for a chair with the right combination of cushion and support and then make sure it’s the right height for your desk. If you’re short, you may have to use a lumbar support cushion and use a footrest to help keep your feet securely planted. If you’re hunched over, have to reach for your keyboard, or are sitting on the edge of your seat, you’ll need to make adjustments or find a better fitting chair.  

Tip #4: Make sure your computer monitor is at the right height

Many people experience back and neck pain because their computer monitor isn’t at the right height. Oftentimes, people will be sitting at a level that requires them to look down at their monitor. This puts great stress on your neck muscles and can cause your back to get out of alignment. 

The next time you’re at your desk, look at your monitor — is your head completely straight and level? If not, you’ll want to invest in a stand that can put your screen at the right height.

Tip #5: Avoid working from the couch or in bed

Have you always wished you didn’t have to get up and get ready for work each morning? Now that you have that option, you might be tempted just to reach for your laptop and work in your PJs without even getting out of bed. As comfy as it sounds, working from your bed or even a couch can wreak havoc on your back. You won’t have support where you need it, plus sitting hunched over restricts your breathing, reduces circulation, and is just plain bad for you. 

Visit Flex Chiropractic in Columbia

If you’re struggling to adjust to working from home and you’re experiencing more aches and pains than usual, it might be time to come into Flex for a chiropractic adjustment. With an aligned spine you’ll likely experience less pain and tension in your back and neck and you’ll be ready to take on whatever the remainder of 2020 throws your way. Call us today at 803-262-0034 or visit our website to schedule an appointment.

The Importance of Good Posture

You are given one body when you are born that you will have for many, many years — maybe even 100 years. This body in the beginning is tiny. It grows for the first 20 years or so of your life, and then it stops. After you stop growing, your body will start aging. This is a very slow process that takes decades to see any noticeable signs. However, as you age, you will do lots of things with your body that will take its toll, from physical labor to childbirth. If you care for your body properly throughout your life, your body will serve you well.

One body part that can take a particular beating is your spine. After all, it has perhaps the most important job of all — to support your body, your organs, and allow you to move and do all of the fun things a lifetime brings. It behooves you to take care of your spine to support your lifestyle.

Flex Chiropractic offers chiropractic adjustments for people of all ages. While you are enjoying life, it’s possible for your spine to become misaligned, so small adjustments are made so that no major injuries occur and you have full range of motion. We have two offices to better serve you, one in Columbia and one in Lexington. Below, we’ll go over the importance of a good posture. Contact our family chiropractic clinic today to schedule an appointment!



Good posture is crucial to balance. When your spine is straight, your weight is centered over your feet, making it highly unlikely you will fall because you lose your balance. This becomes increasingly important as you age. Having good balance allows you to maintain correct form while exercising, resulting in fewer injuries and more muscle gains overall.

Reduces Lower Back Pain

When you slouch, more pressure and stress is placed on your lower back, including your spine. Specifically, your discs between your vertebrae, ligaments, and muscles are all strained. This can yield to a decrease in range of motion and flexibility. By having good posture, your body weight is distributed evenly, making lower back pain less likely and the need for lower back pain treatment minimal.

Decreases Headaches

If your neck is in the wrong position, the weight of your skull is on more vertebrae than others. Your muscles can become tense as they try to hold your head up, which can cause headaches. When your neck is in neutral position, or you have good posture, your muscles will relax and the number of headaches will disappear.

Reduces TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Pain

TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. When this joint is injured, it can cause TMJ pain. Most often, your jaw muscles are stressed and under tension. This is often noticed when you chew, speak, or open your mouth. It can cause headaches as well. Oftentimes while working or sitting for prolonged periods of time, you’ll clench your jaw, or your muscles will be out of alignment due to poor posture. Flex Chiropractic notes that this is usually remedied with proper ergonomics and a realization that you are clenching your jaw while working.

Better Lung Capacity

When you stand up straight and tall, your lungs are not compressed in on themselves. If you look at runners, you’ll notice they stand up nice and tall so they can breathe easier and take in more oxygen. When you have good posture, your breathing will be easier, you’ll take in more oxygen, you’ll be better able to focus, and you’ll just feel better overall as your body’s cells get the oxygen they need to function.


Flex Chiropractic cares about your posture, especially as you age. When you come into our local chiropractic clinic for a free consultation, we’ll examine your spine, as well as your other bones and make an assessment. Then we’ll develop a treatment plan if needed. Chiropractic appointments take an average of only 15 minutes after the initial consultation. These are quick and easy and can help you keep your spine in good health. In addition, we offer many other services, including massage therapy, cold-laser therapy, dry needling, our Pro Adjuster, and electrical stimulation. Choose our family chiropractic clinic today!

Should Children Go to a Chiropractor?

Flex Chiropractic offers chiropractic care for all ages, including for infants and children. We strongly believe in our all-natural approach to realigning the spine and other bones to allow the soft tissue to heal. We offer two locations to better serve you, one in Lexington and one in Columbia. For over 22 years, we’ve been helping countless people find the treatment they need to help alleviate pain and help your body heal, whether you’ve been involved in a car accident, or you got hurt playing soccer on the weekend.

Our family chiropractic care clinic boasts the latest in technology, including the Pro Adjuster and decompression therapy, to help you when you need it the most. When you partner with us, you can rest assured you will be on your way to health and wellness. Below, we’ll take a look at how chiropractic care can help infants and children. Contact our local chiropractors today!


Beyond treating adults for the wear and tear they experience to their bodies, chiropractic care focuses on correcting improper motion and alignment in the vertebrae of the spine. Even babies that are newborns and children can have a misalignment of the spine that may interfere with communications of the spinal cord to the brain.

How Can A Chiropractor Help Infants?

  • To help with breathing difficulties, asthma, and allergies
  • To help with sleep disorders
  • To help with their brain development and nervous system
  • To help with their immune system
  • To help with earaches
  • To discover any spinal misalignments early and work to correct them
  • To help with digestive problems

Many parents want the best for their newborns. By having their infant seen by a local chiropractor such as Flex Chiropractic, you can ensure your little one is developing properly and receives help with any issues that may have appeared since birth. Birth itself can be a traumatic experience, and many things can happen. Similar to a wellness check, our expert chiropractors focus on the bones of your newborn rather than their overall health, such as at your pediatrician’s office.

How Can a Chiropractor Help Children?

  • To help with sleep
  • To help with their immune system
  • To help with behavior since it relieves tension that could be causing pain
  • To help with brain development
  • To help with the nervous system

Children can beat their bodies up as they grow. After all, they play all day while their bodies are growing at an incredible rate of speed. This can cause the bones and joints to be misaligned, which can cause problems down the road as children grow. Since children are still growing, it’s easy to fix minor problems now before they turn into something major while they still have a lot of cartilage in their bodies.

One key benefit of chiropractic care provided by leading pediatric chiropractors such as Flex Chiropractic is the release of tension. Tension and stress can cause many health issues, such as ear infections, headaches, asthma, trouble sleeping, and more. By investing in chiropractic care early, you’ll help your child grow and develop normally for life.


Flex Chiropractic offers chiropractic care for the whole family. Our experienced family chiropractors offer customized solutions in order to help you with your conditions. We understand that being in acute pain or having chronic pain can affect your everyday life to the point that you can’t enjoy it to the fullest. Children are incredibly active, and as they grow, they can become injured in sports quite easily. By maintaining their flexibility, your children are less likely to become injured in sports and in everyday play with their friends.

Our family chiropractors offer chiropractic adjustments for neck and back pain, sports injuries, and more. Our team can help you feel better so you can gain back your quality of life. We believe in individual treatment plans, which is why we offer a wide variety of chiropractic services to meet your needs. From functional neurological rehabilitation to massage therapy, spinal decompression therapy, massage therapy, and pregnancy adjustments, our local chiropractors have the tools they need to help you find an effective treatment plan. If we feel you need another treatment elsewhere, we are more than happy to refer you to reputable doctors in the area. Call for a chiropractic appointment today

Seven Signs You Need A Chiropractic Adjustment

Pain is something that many people live with on a daily basis. It’s a sign that your body is out of balance or that something is wrong. Fortunately, many times, the problem that is causing the pain can be easily treated. If you suffer from frequent headaches or back, neck, hip, muscle, or joint pain, instead of just popping pain pills or anti-inflammatory medication to “deal with it”, you should consider seeking treatment from a chiropractic specialist. 

In today’s post from Flex Chiropractic, we’re going to discuss seven signs that you need a chiropractic adjustment. While some of these may seem obvious to some, going to a chiropractor for things like leg or arm pain may be a concept that’s new to some people. Keep reading and if you think you could benefit from a chiropractic adjustment, contact Flex Chiropractic in Lexington to schedule an appointment.   

Frequent Headaches

Everyone experiences a headache every now and then, but if your headaches have become frequent or especially painful, it’s likely that you have a bigger problem than just normal stress causing it. Although headaches are a common symptom for hundreds of ailments and conditions ranging from sickness and injury to poor posture and even dehydration, headaches can also be the result of a spine that’s out of alignment. If you have chronic headaches or even migraines, it’s wise to have a trained chiropractor examine your spine to determine if misalignment could be causing your issues. 

Pain That Radiates Down Your Leg

Have you ever had a sharp, shooting pain that radiated down the entire length of your leg? Not only is this kind of pain uncomfortable, but it can also drastically limit your ability to perform everyday tasks. Oftentimes, radiating leg pain originates from pressure on the sciatic nerve caused by a herniated or slipped disc. The result is a burning or stabbing pain that can come and go or remain constant. 

Sciatica is quite common and can be caused by a variety of things including injury, lack of physical activity, and normal aging. Fortunately, people who suffer from shooting leg pain caused by sciatica are often able to get relief with a spinal adjustment. 

You Have Limited Range of Motion

Limited range of motion is another indicator that your body may be out of balance and a visit to your chiropractor can help to identify what is causing your mobility to be disrupted. Although mobility that is mildly limited may seem like more of an inconvenience than anything, expanding and regaining your full range of motion can improve mobility and strength and prevent future spinal problems down the road.

You Were Recently Involved in a Car Accident

Car accidents can be life-threatening, but even if you only experienced a minor fender-bender, your body could still be feeling the effects. It doesn’t take much for your spine to be jostled out of place or to experience mild whiplash. While you may be inclined to sit back and just hope time will take the aches and pains away, it would be wise to see if you could benefit from a chiropractic adjustment.  

You Have Numbness or Tingling in Your Arms or Legs

There are many serious health conditions that can cause numbness or tingling in the arms and legs, but oftentimes it’s caused by minor misalignment of the vertebrae. When vertebrae are out of place, they can interfere with blood flow or cause nerves to be pinched, leading to the numbness you feel in your extremities. The easiest way to correct the problem is with a spinal adjustment that can correct any vertebrae that are out of place.  

You Spend Several Hours a Day Sitting at a Desk

Millions of people spend the majority of their working days sitting at a desk, or in some sedentary position. This not only promotes poor posture, but it puts stress on your spine and restricts blood flow to your legs. The best thing you can do is to schedule frequent breaks so you can get up and move around. You should also make sure that your chair and desk are at the proper height for your body so as to reduce any unnecessary stress from having to reach or slouch in unnatural positions. Visiting a chiropractor can also help reduce the pain that has developed from poor ergonomic habits and ensure that your spine is properly aligned  

You Have Chronic Aches and Pains

Pain is such a general term that can have one or many causes. You wouldn’t go to the emergency room for a sore finger, so why try risky procedures and dangerous prescription medications for chronic aches and pains? The answer to your pain may be simpler than you think. 

If you suffer from chronic back or neck pain, or pain in your muscles or joints, relief may be right around the corner. Your first step should be to consult with a chiropractor to determine if a spinal adjustment could help. While chiropractic care can’t fix everything, it has helped millions of people get relief and live more active lives without surgery or dangerous prescription medications. 

Visit Flex Chiropractic In Lexington

If you have experienced (or currently suffer from) any of the things discussed in today’s blog, we encourage you to schedule a visit to Flex Chiropractic in Lexington. Don’t just live with the pain — we may be able to help you get relief through a chiropractic adjustment or a combination of chiropractic and other alternative treatments.

At Flex Chiropractic we believe in offering a variety of services to help you feel your best. Our licensed and experienced doctor of chiropractic is dedicated to finding the cause of your pain and will give you the personalized chiropractic care you deserve. 

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, we also offer a wide range of alternative therapies aimed at gently helping the body heal itself naturally. Generally used in combination with other treatments, we also offer decompression, ultrasound, and cold laser therapy, as well as electrical stimulation. Visit our website to learn more or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

Select From Our Two Great Chiropractic Locations: Lexington, SC & Columbia, SC

Finding a great chiropractor can be a difficult process. Whether you’ve been in a car wreck, looking to improve your physical performance, or searching for pain relief, Flex Chiropractic is your go-to chiropractic center in both Lexington and Columbia, South Carolina. If you are looking for a local chiropractor, check out both of our locations to find which one fits your needs best!

Five Tips For Boosting Your Immune System

Staying healthy is a topic that’s on everyone’s minds lately, and it’s no surprise. With the pandemic nearing the eight-month mark, people are looking for ways to keep their bodies safe and functioning at their full potential. One way to do this is to boost your immune system. The main role of the immune system is to protect our bodies from infectious organisms. When it’s functioning at its best, we can avoid getting sick — but when it’s not quite at its peak, it leaves us susceptible.

In today’s blog from Flex Chiropractic of Lexington, we want to discuss five easy ways that you can boost your immune system — and you might be surprised to learn that regular chiropractic care is on that list. Most people don’t think about chiropractic care and the immune system being correlated, but it’s true. In fact, there are many unexpected benefits of receiving chiropractic care. Keep reading to learn more about it and get plenty of valuable tips on other ways to keep yourself healthy. 

Re-evaluate Your Diet

The world is starting to realize that food may offer many more benefits besides supplying energy to our bodies. In fact, many would now say that eating the right foods can have a significant impact on overall health. This statement sounds like a huge generality, but when taken to heart, you might find out how true it really is. Beyond the basic carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, food contains a plethora of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and health-promoting compounds that we are only just beginning to understand. 

If you want to give your immune system a boost, you start by making a few simple diet changes. Focus on eating more whole, unprocessed foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. Enjoy a wide variety of these foods in as many different colors as possible. Incorporate more immune-boosting ingredients like garlic and onions into your diet, and read up on ways to enhance gut health through eating more pre- and probiotics.  

Make Lifestyle Changes

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t exercise as much as you should and you probably don’t get enough quality sleep each night. Both of these habits are key for staying healthy and warrant being made a priority. 

There never seems to be enough hours in a day to get everything done that you need to without trying to squeeze in time for exercise. However, your health depends on it. Not only do people who regularly exercise tend to get sick less often, but they also have a reduced incidence of other types of illness and disease. 

Sometimes it seems like the only way to get everything done is to stay up late until everything is finished. Unfortunately, this isn’t a good plan. Your body requires a certain amount of quality sleep each night, and without it, it can become more prone to illness If you try to go to bed early but just can’t get to sleep because your mind is racing, try creating a bedtime ritual at least an hour before you go to bed to get your body ready for sleep. You can take a bath, drink a cup of tea, or listen to some calming music. Choose whatever relaxes you best. 

Minimize Stress

Cortisol is what is known as the stress hormone. If you’re under prolonged periods of stress (and who isn’t?) your body will produce an excess amount of cortisol. Over time, elevated cortisol levels are thought to have a variety of negative consequences including raising blood sugar, contributing to weight gain, and reducing your body’s ability to fight off infection. 

That’s why it’s so important to reduce stress if you want to boost your immune system. If you’re dealing with a particularly stressful situation at work or home, find ways that you can cope with the stress in a healthy way. Take a walk, stop to meditate, or confide in a friend. All of these simple things can help reduce stress and help you stay healthy.

Wash Your Hands

By now, everyone is probably tired of washing their hands and applying sanitizer, but it really is one of the best ways to prevent infection. When you don’t wash your hands, your body is constantly having to deal with the bacteria and viruses it picks up from everything you are handling throughout the day. Eventually, your body may lose the battle. Stay safe, prevent the spread of germs, and keep washing your hands. 

Visit Your Chiropractor

While the above suggestions may not have been a surprise to most, chances are you probably didn’t think about chiropractic care as a factor in boosting your immune system. To understand how it works, we have to believe that all of the systems in our body are connected. A problem in one area may affect another. This is particularly true when it comes to your immune system and your nervous system. Both are interconnected. The brain can use nerve cells to communicate directly with the immune system and trigger an immune response. 

Chiropractic care can boost your immune system by removing any interference in the nervous system that may prevent your body from functioning optimally. When your nervous system is functioning at its best, that means the rest of your body can follow suit. 

Schedule an Appointment with Flex Chiropractic and Stay Healthy!

Considering how important our immune systems are, it makes sense that we would want to do everything we can to give them a boost. Fortunately, most immune-boosting recommendations are pretty easy to follow through with — eat a healthy and balanced diet, get plenty of exercise, and get regular chiropractic care. 

If you’re looking for a chiropractor in the Lexington area, contact Flex Chiropractic to make an appointment. We not only offer chiropractic adjustments, but we provide a wide array of other holistic health services such as ultrasound, cold laser therapy, and electrical stimulation. Visit our services page or give us a call to schedule an appointment. Here’s to your health!

Chiropractic Care for Injuries

When you’re injured, the first thing on your mind after the initial shock is getting better. Let’s face it, injuries take the zest for life out. You may be experiencing pain, decreased mobility, and restricted in other ways. The sooner you recover, the sooner your life can return to normal.

Flex Chiropractic in Columbia can help. We offer chiropractic adjustments and solutions to get your back on your feet again and living life. In this blog post, we’ll review some of the ways chiropractic care can help with injuries. Contact us today to get started!


  • Restores mobility. Through manual adjustments and other treatment options, chiropractors can realign your spine or other joints in the case of injury, which helps to relieve tension and pressure on the joints. The goal of chiropractic care for injuries is to restore function and promote healing. When your body is moving correctly and efficiently, injuries are less likely to happen.
  • Prevents further injury. By having all of your bones aligned and ligaments and tendons in their proper place, you are less likely to get injured in the first place. Furthermore, when your body is less tense, you will be less likely to be injured from unnecessary stress placed on joints. Regular chiropractic care is recommended throughout your life in order to keep everything aligned.
  • Helps with recovery. When your body is aligned, your body can concentrate on healing its injuries and not on other areas of the body that instead are drawing away its attention, such as inflammation and anxiety. Time is the most effective healer of nagging injuries that involve soft tissue, muscle, ligaments, and tendons. By helping your body along, you’ll speed up your recovery time from injury.

There are many causes of injury, from car accidents to hyperextension or hyperflexion of a joint. Chiropractors are trained to assess any damage from an injury and install a comprehensive treatment plan to get you better. Chiropractors use hands-on manipulation of your spine, neck, and other joints in order to realign your body, which could be pinching nerves and causing pain. A chiropractic treatment restores mobility (such as being able to turn your head again) and also promotes healing.


Flex Chiropractic in Columbia uses many tools in order to help you get better. We use cold laser therapy to promote blood flow to injured areas and bring in vital nutrients to speed healing. We offer ultrasound and electrical stimulation to further get your blood moving and aid in recovery. Furthermore, we offer Kinesio taping to help your muscles recover.

The important thing with injuries is to seek help immediately afterward. Continuing to ignore your lower back pain or hurt wrist can only exacerbate the injury and make it worse. Your local chiropractor, such as Flex Chiropractic in Columbia, can offer solutions that will improve your condition, help with pain, and speed up recovery.

Injuries happen to most of us; being smart about injuries is the key. Contact Flex Chiropractic in Columbia today to begin healing!


  • Dr. Angela Larson, DC
  • Phone: 803-252-0108
  • Address: 1811 Bull St.
    Columbia, South Carolina 29201


  • Dr. Chad Bills, DC
  • Phone: 803-520-4615
  • Address: 305 Columbia Ave.
    Lexington, South Carolina 29072