Pregnancy is a beautiful time for many women. After all, you’re growing a miracle right in your belly, and you can’t wait to meet them! However, as your belly grows bigger, you may experience aches and pains associated with your changing body. So what can you do about them that is safe for your baby?
Flex Chiropractic is a family chiropractic practice with offices in Lexington and Columbia. We offer a wide array of services, including chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, massage therapy, and ultrasound services. We believe in tailoring all of our treatments to the individual, and by offering many services, we can provide you with the most comprehensive care. Below, we’ll go over some of the benefits you can experience from a chiropractor while pregnant. Call our back pain specialist today!
Relief from Back Pain
Back pain is caused for a variety of reasons during pregnancy. One reason has to do with hormones. As your body gets closer to delivery, it releases a special hormone called relaxin. Relaxin does just that — relaxes your ligaments and joints in the pelvic area so that they can endure stress easier during childbirth. While this is great for delivery and birth, it can cause your back instability since everything is looser.
Furthermore, since your belly is growing, you may notice it’s harder to have great posture during pregnancy as your belly can pull on your spine. Chiropractic adjustments can help fix this problem and put your back into alignment once again, helping to alleviate pain during pregnancy. In addition, you may experience neck pain due to the fact your belly is a weight you are unused to carrying. We can treat both conditions here in our chiropractic clinic.
Helps in Baby Positioning
A common cause of C-sections is a breech baby. A breech baby is one whose head is not facing down in the birth canal. Instead, the baby’s feet are. While many babies are born healthy in this position, there is an elevated risk for birth defects. Thus, with chiropractic appointments during pregnancy from your local chiropractor, such as Flex Chiropractic in Lexington, your spine and pelvis will be in a better position for the baby to turn head first.
Easier Birth Experience
Birthing a baby is hard work, quite painful, and overall challenging. However, regular chiropractic appointments can help you feel your best and your body be in the best position in order to ensure your pelvis, spine, and hips are aligned. This also ensures optimal nervous system functionality as well, which is responsible for controlling your contractions and having your cervix dilated. It can also help to shorten the labor and delivery process — something all women desire.
Can Help with Nausea
Nausea during pregnancy (commonly called morning sickness) is mainly due to your body’s change in hormones, and it’s a condition that many women suffer from to some degree. However, by having your spine and nervous system operating at optimal performance, you can help your hormones settle, if you will, and not cause such a major disruption in your body. If your nausea is caused more by heartburn or constipation, rather than a shift in hormones, chiropractic appointments can help your stomach settle as well.
Flex Chiropractic has over 22 years of experience in helping women feel better during pregnancy. Our expert and family chiropractors are well-trained in chiropractic adjustments for pregnant women, so you can rest assured that you and your baby will be in good hands. In addition, we offer a variety of other services at both our Lexington and our Columbia offices that can help you with your pregnancy, such as massage therapy. Our family chiropractor believes in customizing our treatments to meet your needs, since not everyone will have the same response to different treatments.
When you partner with us for your pregnancy adjustments, you can expect to feel better both during and after your pregnancy. We also offer chiropractic treatments for newborns, infants, toddlers, and children to ensure they grow up strong and pain-free. Whether you need a back pain specialist or just relief from nausea, give our local chiropractors a call today!
You are given one body when you are born that you will have for many, many years — maybe even 100 years. This body in the beginning is tiny. It grows for the first 20 years or so of your life, and then it stops. After you stop growing, your body will start aging. This is a very slow process that takes decades to see any noticeable signs. However, as you age, you will do lots of things with your body that will take its toll, from physical labor to childbirth. If you care for your body properly throughout your life, your body will serve you well.
One body part that can take a particular beating is your spine. After all, it has perhaps the most important job of all — to support your body, your organs, and allow you to move and do all of the fun things a lifetime brings. It behooves you to take care of your spine to support your lifestyle.
Flex Chiropractic offers chiropractic adjustments for people of all ages. While you are enjoying life, it’s possible for your spine to become misaligned, so small adjustments are made so that no major injuries occur and you have full range of motion. We have two offices to better serve you, one in Columbia and one in Lexington. Below, we’ll go over the importance of a good posture. Contact our family chiropractic clinic today to schedule an appointment!
Good posture is crucial to balance. When your spine is straight, your weight is centered over your feet, making it highly unlikely you will fall because you lose your balance. This becomes increasingly important as you age. Having good balance allows you to maintain correct form while exercising, resulting in fewer injuries and more muscle gains overall.
Reduces Lower Back Pain
When you slouch, more pressure and stress is placed on your lower back, including your spine. Specifically, your discs between your vertebrae, ligaments, and muscles are all strained. This can yield to a decrease in range of motion and flexibility. By having good posture, your body weight is distributed evenly, making lower back pain less likely and the need for lower back pain treatment minimal.
Decreases Headaches
If your neck is in the wrong position, the weight of your skull is on more vertebrae than others. Your muscles can become tense as they try to hold your head up, which can cause headaches. When your neck is in neutral position, or you have good posture, your muscles will relax and the number of headaches will disappear.
Reduces TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Pain
TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. When this joint is injured, it can cause TMJ pain. Most often, your jaw muscles are stressed and under tension. This is often noticed when you chew, speak, or open your mouth. It can cause headaches as well. Oftentimes while working or sitting for prolonged periods of time, you’ll clench your jaw, or your muscles will be out of alignment due to poor posture. Flex Chiropractic notes that this is usually remedied with proper ergonomics and a realization that you are clenching your jaw while working.
Better Lung Capacity
When you stand up straight and tall, your lungs are not compressed in on themselves. If you look at runners, you’ll notice they stand up nice and tall so they can breathe easier and take in more oxygen. When you have good posture, your breathing will be easier, you’ll take in more oxygen, you’ll be better able to focus, and you’ll just feel better overall as your body’s cells get the oxygen they need to function.
Flex Chiropractic cares about your posture, especially as you age. When you come into our local chiropractic clinic for a free consultation, we’ll examine your spine, as well as your other bones and make an assessment. Then we’ll develop a treatment plan if needed. Chiropractic appointments take an average of only 15 minutes after the initial consultation. These are quick and easy and can help you keep your spine in good health. In addition, we offer many other services, including massage therapy, cold-laser therapy, dry needling, our Pro Adjuster, and electrical stimulation. Choose our family chiropractic clinic today!
Flex Chiropractic offers chiropractic care for all ages, including for infants and children. We strongly believe in our all-natural approach to realigning the spine and other bones to allow the soft tissue to heal. We offer two locations to better serve you, one in Lexington and one in Columbia. For over 22 years, we’ve been helping countless people find the treatment they need to help alleviate pain and help your body heal, whether you’ve been involved in a car accident, or you got hurt playing soccer on the weekend.
Our family chiropractic care clinic boasts the latest in technology, including the Pro Adjuster and decompression therapy, to help you when you need it the most. When you partner with us, you can rest assured you will be on your way to health and wellness. Below, we’ll take a look at how chiropractic care can help infants and children. Contact our local chiropractors today!
Beyond treating adults for the wear and tear they experience to their bodies, chiropractic care focuses on correcting improper motion and alignment in the vertebrae of the spine. Even babies that are newborns and children can have a misalignment of the spine that may interfere with communications of the spinal cord to the brain.
How Can A Chiropractor Help Infants?
Many parents want the best for their newborns. By having their infant seen by a local chiropractor such as Flex Chiropractic, you can ensure your little one is developing properly and receives help with any issues that may have appeared since birth. Birth itself can be a traumatic experience, and many things can happen. Similar to a wellness check, our expert chiropractors focus on the bones of your newborn rather than their overall health, such as at your pediatrician’s office.
How Can a Chiropractor Help Children?
Children can beat their bodies up as they grow. After all, they play all day while their bodies are growing at an incredible rate of speed. This can cause the bones and joints to be misaligned, which can cause problems down the road as children grow. Since children are still growing, it’s easy to fix minor problems now before they turn into something major while they still have a lot of cartilage in their bodies.
One key benefit of chiropractic care provided by leading pediatric chiropractors such as Flex Chiropractic is the release of tension. Tension and stress can cause many health issues, such as ear infections, headaches, asthma, trouble sleeping, and more. By investing in chiropractic care early, you’ll help your child grow and develop normally for life.
Flex Chiropractic offers chiropractic care for the whole family. Our experienced family chiropractors offer customized solutions in order to help you with your conditions. We understand that being in acute pain or having chronic pain can affect your everyday life to the point that you can’t enjoy it to the fullest. Children are incredibly active, and as they grow, they can become injured in sports quite easily. By maintaining their flexibility, your children are less likely to become injured in sports and in everyday play with their friends.
Our family chiropractors offer chiropractic adjustments for neck and back pain, sports injuries, and more. Our team can help you feel better so you can gain back your quality of life. We believe in individual treatment plans, which is why we offer a wide variety of chiropractic services to meet your needs. From functional neurological rehabilitation to massage therapy, spinal decompression therapy, massage therapy, and pregnancy adjustments, our local chiropractors have the tools they need to help you find an effective treatment plan. If we feel you need another treatment elsewhere, we are more than happy to refer you to reputable doctors in the area. Call for a chiropractic appointment today
Lower back pain is something that many people live with on a daily basis. It can be caused by a wide range of factors that can be related to job, lifestyle, and previous injury just to name a few. While you can visit a chiropractor for lower back pain treatment, there are things you can do as part of your daily routine to get relief.
If you suffer from lower back pain, just getting through your workday can be a miserable experience. So what can you do to alleviate some of the pain so you can get on with your day? The back experts at Flex Chiropractic are here to help you understand what might be causing your pain and give you suggestions for things you can do to alleviate it. Check out our blog, and then give us a call if you have any questions.
When people come in to see us for chiropractic care at either our Lexington or Columbia offices, they’re usually here for one of two reasons: to get a chiropractic “tune-up” or to get help with some sort of ailment. In both cases, we often hear them say one thing: “I just want to get back to the way things were.”
Most of us know how good we used to feel. When we were kids, we could run around all day, fall asleep anywhere, and wake up without any aches or pains. That changes over the years, as our bodies start to feel the effects of aging. If you’re 40 and are coming to us not feeling so great, whether you’re looking for a treatment for back pain or are having neck pains that you can’t seem to get over, we can’t necessarily help you feel 18 again. But it will be our goal to get you to a place where your pain is relieved and you can feel more like yourself. Here are some of the most common benefits you can get after you visit us here at Flex Chiropractic.
Get Back To Exercise
All of us need exercise, and unfortunately many maladies that require chiropractic care can get in the way of getting it. Even worse, sometimes it’s the exercise itself that has caused the need for chiropractic care — herniated discs come to mind — and returning to a workout routine can be a mental hurdle as well as a physical one.
Getting back on the horse is one thing, but returning to exercises that threw out your back is something else entirely. One excellent part of working with a chiropractor is that they aren’t just providing chiropractic adjustments; they’re also providing information. A chiropractor can provide exercises that will strengthen your ailing body and also give advice on how to avoid those problems again.
Stop Taking Pain Relievers
Pain relievers can be wonderful, because pain can range from mildly inconvenient to debilitating. Occasional pain is going to show up in everyone’s lives, whether it’s due to sitting too long at a desk or sleeping on an uncomfortable hotel bed.
But you don’t want to be on any pain reliever for too long. Even the most common, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, can affect your organs if you take them for too long. Stronger painkillers can be addictive, so it’s better if you don’t even start on them in the first place.
If chiropractic medicine can help you reduce the amount of pain medicine you need to take, isn’t it worth a try?
Improve Your Self Image, Feel Younger
The fact is, standing up straight after having back pain can be a huge boost to your self image. When a person is seeking lower back pain treatment, they are often walking very slowly and intentionally, much like an old person would walk. Once that pain goes away and a back is properly adjusted, a person can often stand up straight and walk properly. That goes a long way to making someone feel better about themselves.
Public Image
Most people who have a back problem do what they can to hide it, because they’re worried about what others around them are thinking. But while they might try to hide their pain, it often comes through anyway as their walk is affected or when they try to get out of a chair. After a while, everyone knows the truth.
If you are experiencing pain and want to improve the way you look in public — whether it’s by standing up straighter or not crying out in pain! — seeing a chiropractor in Lexington or Columbia might be exactly what you need.
Get Back To Work
Many times people will come to us with pains that are affecting their occupation. First of all, they’re tired of sitting (or lying) around the house all day, because doing that wears quickly on just about everyone. Maybe they don’t have either short-term or long-term disability, and getting back to work is the only way in which they can secure their paycheck.
Whether you’ve been injured on or off the job, our chiropractors can help. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living — office worker, cook, or piano mover — because we are ready to treat you and then teach you the right way to help your back so that it doesn’t happen again.
Feel Better Mentally
The fact is, being in pain is exhausting. Not just physically, but mentally as well. It drags many happy down and can even cause depression in others. Pain that’s there day after day can affect a person’s emotional state, and sometimes they can feel hopeless because they think that they are going to be in pain every day for the rest of their lives. Getting out of bed to face a day of pain isn’t something that anyone should have to experience.
How can a chiropractic clinic help? If the healing process can begin and pain can be reduced — or better yet eliminated — then a person can start to heal mentally and emotionally as well.
Make an Appointment Today
Pain is no laughing matter, and we have many ways of treating lower back pain, neck pain, and many other maladies that affect the human body. Our chiropractic clinic can provide you with many types of care, including chiropractic adjustments, electrical stimulation, spinal decompression therapy, cold-laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, and more. Click here to pick your chiropractic office in Lexington or Columbia!
Millions of people all over the world have one unfortunate thing in common — back pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, back pain is the single leading cause of disability and one of the most common reasons for missing work. In fact, it is estimated that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some time in their lives. That’s a very big number!
If you happen to be one of the millions who suffer from chronic or acute back pain, the good news is that there are more treatment options available than ever before. At Flex Chiropractic in Lexington and Columbia, we want to help you find the best treatment plan to alleviate your pain and get you back on your feet again. In today’s post, we’ll explain five different options for back pain treatment. Keep reading and then give us a call to schedule an appointment.
If you’ve never had a massage, then you’re missing out. Some people are uncomfortable with the thought of getting a massage, especially at a fancy spa or health club, but the fact is, when an experienced medical professional administers a massage properly, you can experience amazing therapeutic results. Massage is one of the easiest ways to reduce pain due to stress and tension and it’s been known to help everything from back pain and headaches to sports injuries, fibromyalgia, and soft tissue strains.
If you’re looking for a simple back pain treatment that is relatively inexpensive and has very little risk, consider massage therapy. It may not completely eliminate and prevent all back pain from occurring, but it can be an effective part of a larger treatment plan.
Decompression Therapy
Many people experience real pain relief from debilitating back pain with spinal decompression therapy. If you suffer from back pain as a result of sciatica, a bulging or herniated disc, or facet syndrome, decompression therapy may be able to provide relief by reducing the pressure on the spine and allowing discs to return to their natural position. It’s a safe, non-invasive way to get fast relief and it has a high success rate for many patients.
Dry Needling
Dry needling may sound scary, but it’s nothing to be afraid of. Virtually painless, dry needling has been reported to help with the treatment of chronic pain, improve blood flow, and speed up injury recovery time. The process involves inserting very thin needles into the affected area to treat underlying muscular trigger points. In doing so, the trigger points (which are tight bands in muscle fibers) can relax, thereby increasing blood flow and reducing pain.
Many people confuse Dry Needling with Acupuncture, the treatment rooted in Chinese medicine. However, there are some very clear differences between the two. Acupuncture works to restore the balance of energy, while dry needling which is rooted in Western medicine is based on an understanding of the musculoskeletal system.
Chiropractic Adjustment
Most people are familiar with chiropractic adjustments. Even if you haven’t visited a chiropractor personally, you probably know someone who has. Chiropractic adjustments involve manipulating joints to correct alignment problems that are causing pain. During chiropractic treatment, a trained specialist applies sudden, controlled force to realign joints and improve motion. Most patients will require a series of visits, but many have found significant relief using this non-invasive treatment.
Cold Laser Therapy
Cold laser therapy may sound like a space-age hoax, but in fact, it has been used to treat pain for several decades. Often referred to as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), this treatment uses low levels of light at particular wavelengths to penetrate the skin and stimulate healing. Despite our association with the word “laser”, cold laser therapy has no heat associated with it and it is therefore completely painless and non-invasive. If you have pain as a result of inflammation from injury, arthritis, tendinitis or other condition, cold laser therapy may be able to help.
Contact Flex Chiropractic
If you suffer from pain and are looking for non-invasive back pain treatment, contact Flex Chiropractic in Columbia or Lexington. We will work with you to understand what is causing your symptoms and then put together a treatment plan that is specially tailored to treat your unique case.
At Flex Chiropractic, we offer much more than standard chiropractic services including cold laser therapy, dry needling, spinal decompression, and massage. Often we find that it’s a combination of treatment, not just one, that proves to be the most effective for our patients. Do you have questions about our services or would like to learn more about how Flex Chiropractic can help you? Give us a call at our Lexington office or our Columbia office and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also schedule an appointment directly from our website. Get back to a pain-free life — contact Flex Chiropractic today!
Is there anything that feels better than a good back rub? Maybe a few things, but not many. Back rubs feel so good because our backs are put through a lot every day. We’re constantly walking on hard surfaces, which constantly jostle the entire skeletal system. Few chairs are properly designed in order to improve conditions for the back, and even those chairs that are well designed are worthless because we fail to sit in them properly. Of course, many of us sit slouched at our desks all day and then go home to a couch that doesn’t give the support it could. Is it any wonder that so many of us are suffering from lower back pain?
Of course, age often plays a significant role for many people. How many old people do you know who don’t complain about their back? But more and more people under the age of 40 are experiencing back problems, often because they aren’t prepared for the work or play they are attempting to perform. In the past, those who performed manual labor all day wouldn’t have any problem lifting a 40-pound bag of dog food. Today, most people are more likely to hurt their backs because they don’t have the back muscle strength the support their spine during lifting.
No matter your back problems, the chiropractors and technicians at our chiropractic care clinic can offer treatments to reduce your pain or discomfort. Let’s find out how.
When your problem is spinal…
Chiropractic’s primary method of helping the body is through spinal manipulation. When the spine is hurt, there is often inflammation that needs to be reduced in order to reduce swelling and pain in the back. Adjusting the spine is often one of the first treatments offered for lower back pain; reducing stress on the spine can help alleviate the pressure on the discs.
Adjustments aren’t the only weapon in our arsenal fighting spinal pain. Ultrasound therapy and cold laser therapy are sometimes used in order to increase blood flow to the area of the spine in question. More blood flow means more oxygen and faster healing.
When your problem is muscular…
If you have the choice between hurting a muscle or the discs of the spine, pick the muscle. A damaged disc tends to be weaker for the rest of your life, while muscle pain tends to go away over time.
That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t seek help, though. Like ultrasound and laser therapy, massage stimulates blood flow to the muscles, meaning that they heal faster. Tight muscles can also be “loosened up,” helping patients to regain extended movement.
Of course, the feel-good benefits from a massage can’t go underestimated. The brain releases endorphins because massages simply feel good, and the same happens due to the human contact received.
We Can Help!
Our chiropractic clinic is here to help with your lower back pain. We can determine if your problem is spinal or muscular, and we’ll provide the right treatments that help you feel better. Visit our Columbia or Lexington offices today!
When you’re injured, the first thing on your mind after the initial shock is getting better. Let’s face it, injuries take the zest for life out. You may be experiencing pain, decreased mobility, and restricted in other ways. The sooner you recover, the sooner your life can return to normal.
Flex Chiropractic in Columbia can help. We offer chiropractic adjustments and solutions to get your back on your feet again and living life. In this blog post, we’ll review some of the ways chiropractic care can help with injuries. Contact us today to get started!
There are many causes of injury, from car accidents to hyperextension or hyperflexion of a joint. Chiropractors are trained to assess any damage from an injury and install a comprehensive treatment plan to get you better. Chiropractors use hands-on manipulation of your spine, neck, and other joints in order to realign your body, which could be pinching nerves and causing pain. A chiropractic treatment restores mobility (such as being able to turn your head again) and also promotes healing.
Flex Chiropractic in Columbia uses many tools in order to help you get better. We use cold laser therapy to promote blood flow to injured areas and bring in vital nutrients to speed healing. We offer ultrasound and electrical stimulation to further get your blood moving and aid in recovery. Furthermore, we offer Kinesio taping to help your muscles recover.
The important thing with injuries is to seek help immediately afterward. Continuing to ignore your lower back pain or hurt wrist can only exacerbate the injury and make it worse. Your local chiropractor, such as Flex Chiropractic in Columbia, can offer solutions that will improve your condition, help with pain, and speed up recovery.
Injuries happen to most of us; being smart about injuries is the key. Contact Flex Chiropractic in Columbia today to begin healing!